Nejnovější publikace

  • Thun, K; Perina, J; Krepelka, J: Quantum Zeno effect in Raman scattering, Phys. Lett. A 299 (1) , 19 - 30 PII S0375-9601(02)00629-1 (2002).
  • El-Orany, FAA; Perina, J; Perinova, V; Abdalla, MS: Quantum properties of a single-mode dissipative amplifier against Schrodinger-cat states, J. Opt. B-Quantum Semicl. Opt. 4 (3) , S153 - S161 PII S1464-4266(02)31263-1 (2002).
  • Rehacek, J; Mista, L; Fiurasek, J; Perina, J: Continuously induced coherence without induced emission, Phys. Rev. A 65 (4) 43815 (2002).
  • de Naurois, M; Holder, J; Bazer-Bachi, R; Begeret, H; Bruel, P; Cordier, A; Debiais, G; Dezalay, JP; Dumora, D; Durand, E; Eschstruth, P; Espigat, P; Fabre, B; Fleury, P; Herault, N; Hrabovsky, M; Incerti, S; Le Gallou, R; Munz, F; Musquere, A; Olive, JF; Pare, E; Quebert, J; Rannot, RC; Reposeur, T; Rob, L; Roy, P; Sako, T; Schovanek, P; Smith, DA; Snabre, P; Volte, A: Measurement of the Crab flux above 60 GeV with the Celeste Cerenkov telescope, Astrophys. J. 566 (1) , 343 - 357 (2002).
  • Bykov, IP; Glinchuk, MD; Laguta, VV; Nokhrin, SN; Jastrabik, L; Smotrakov, V; Eremkin, V; Hrabovsky, M: Photoinduced centers in PbZr1-xTixO3 single crystals, Ferroelectrics 272 , 2159 - 2164 (2002).
  • Badalyan, AG; Baranov, PG; Trepakov, VA; Azzoni, CB; Galinetto, P; Mozzati, MC; Jastrabik, L; Rosa, J; Hrabovsky, M: Recent researches of the copper centres in potassium tantalate single crystals, Ferroelectrics 272 , 2197 - 2202 (2002).
  • Smid, P: Simulation analysis of an optical processor for determination of relative translation of two speckle patterns, 4888 , 93 - 98 (2002).
  • Horvath, P; Hrabovsky, M; Baca, Z: Statistical properties of a speckle pattern, 4888 , 99 - 108 (2002).
  • Polak, M; Chmelickova, H; Stranyanek, M; Vasicek, L: Modeling of laser cutting and drilling, 4888 , 146 - 151 (2002).
  • Hrabovsky, M; Smid, P; Horvath, P; Baca, Z: Measurement of object vibrations using the theory of speckle pattern decorrelation, Optik 113 (3) , 117 - 120 (2002).
  • Zvara, M; Grill, R; Hlidek, P; Orlita, M; Soubusta, J: Photoluminescence of biased GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs double quantum wells - many-body effects, Physica E 12 (01.dub) , 335 - 339 PII S1386-9477(01)00359-9 (2002).
  • Perina, J; Haderka, O; Soubusta, J: Quantum cryptography using a photon source based on postselection from entangled two-photon states, Phys. Rev. A 64 (5) 52305 (2001).
  • Rehacek, J; Perina, J; Facchi, P; Pascazio, S; Mista, L: Quantum Zeno effect in a nonlinear coupler, Opt. Spectrosc. 91 (4) , 501 - 507 (2001).
  • El-Orany, FAA; Perina, J: Phase properties of superposition of pair-coherent states, Opt. Commun. 197 (04.čvn) , 363 - 373 (2001).
  • El-Orany, FAA; Perina, J; Abdalla, MS: Evolution of Fock states in three mixed harmonic oscillators: Quantum statistics, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 15 (15) , 2125 - 2146 (2001).
  • Ariunbold, G; Perina, J: Non-classical behaviour and switching in Kerr nonlinear couplers, J. Mod. Opt. 48 (6) , 1005 - 1019 (2001).
  • El-Orany, FAA; Perina, J; Abdalla, MS: Generation of squeezed light in a nonlinear asymmetric directional coupler, J. Opt. B-Quantum Semicl. Opt. 3 (2) , 67 - 75 (2001).
  • Abdalla, MS; El-Orany, FAA; Perina, J: Statistical properties of a solvable three-boson squeeze operator model, Eur. Phys. J. D 13 (3) , 423 - 438 (2001).
  • Hrabovsky, M; Baca, Z; Horvath, P: Theory of speckle displacement and decorrelation with electronic correlation, Czech. J. Phys. 51 (2) , 129 - 154 (2001).
  • Abdalla, MS; El-Orany, FAA; Perina, J: Dynamical properties of degenerate parametric amplifier with photon-added coherent states, Nouvo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. B-Basic Top. Phys. 116 (2) , 137 - 153 (2001).
