Nejnovější publikace

  • Perinova, V; Luks, A; Krepelka, J; Pacalt, J: The Garrison-Wong phase operator and the rotational covariance of phase states, Opt. Commun. 392 , 7 - 14 (2017).
  • Aaboud, M et al. (Chytka, L.; Hamal, P.; Hrabovsky, M.; Kvita, J.; Nozka, L.): Performance of the ATLAS trigger system in 2015, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (5) 317 (2017).
  • Chutora, T; Redondo, J; de la Torre, B; Svec, M; Jelinek, P; Vazquez, H: Stable Au-C bonds to the substrate for fullerene-based nanostructures, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 8 , 1073 - 1079 (2017).
  • Aaboud, M et al. (Chytka, L.; Hamal, P.; Hrabovsky, M.; Kvita, J.; Nozka, L.): Performance of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker in Run 1 of the LHC: tracker properties, J. Instrum. 12 P05002 (2017).
  • Lange, J; Carulla, M; Cavallaro, E; Chytka, L; Davis, PM; Flores, D; Forster, F; Grinstein, S; Hidalgo, S; Komarek, T; Kramberger, G; Mandic, I; Merlos, A; Nozka, L; Pellegrini, G; Quirion, D; Sykora, T: Gain and time resolution of 45 mu m thin Low Gain Avalanche Detectors before and after irradiation up to a fluence of 10(15) n(eq)/cm(2), J. Instrum. 12 P05003 (2017).
  • Stanke, L; Thakur, A; Smid, M; Gu, YJ; Falk, K: Optical simulations of laser focusing for optimization of laser betatron, J. Instrum. 12 P05004 (2017).
  • Pausova, S; Kment, S; Zlamal, M; Baudys, M; Hubicka, Z; Krysa, J: Transparent Nanotubular TiO2 Photoanodes Grown Directly on FTO Substrates, Molecules 22 (5) 775 (2017).
  • Javurek, D; Perina, J: Role of volume and surface spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the generation of photon pairs in layered media, Phys. Rev. A 95 (4) 43828 (2017).
  • Bartkiewicz, K; Lemr, K; Cernoch, A; Miranowicz, A: Bell nonlocality and fully entangled fraction measured in an entanglement-swapping device without quantum state tomography, Phys. Rev. A 95 (3) 30102 (2017).
  • Aab, A et al. (Horvath, P.; Hrabovsky, M.; Nozka, H.): A Targeted Search for Point Sources of EeV Photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory, Astrophys. J. Lett. 837 (2) L25 (2017).
  • Karbovnyk, ID; Olenych, I; Kukhta, IN; Lugovskii, A; Sasnouski, G; Chutora, T; Luchechko, AP; Khalakhan, I; Kukhta, A: Electric Field Oriented Nanostructured Organic Thin Films with Polarized Luminescence, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 12 166 (2017).
  • Bartkiewicz, K; Chimczak, G; Lemr, K: Direct method for measuring and witnessing quantum entanglement of arbitrary two-qubit states through Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, Phys. Rev. A 95 (2) 22331 (2017).
  • Aguilar, JA; Bilnik, W; Blocki, J; Bogacz, L; Borkowski, J; Bulik, T; Cadoux, F; Christov, A; Curylo, M; della Volpe, D; Dyrda, M; Favre, Y; Frankowski, A; Grudnik, L; Grudzinska, M; Heller, M; Idzkowski, B; Jamrozy, M; Janiak, M; Kasperek, J; Lalik, K; Lyard, E; Mach, E; Mandat, D; Marszalek, A; Miranda, LDM; Michalowski, J; Moderski, R; Montaruli, T; Neronov, A; Niemiec, J; Ostrowski, M; Pasko, P; Pech, M; Porcelli, A; Prandini, E; Rajda, P; Rameez, M; Schioppa, EJ; Schovanek, P; Seweryn, K; Skowron, K; Sliusar, V; Sowinski, M; Stawarz, L; Stodulska, M; Stodulski, M; Toscano, S; Pujadas, IT; Walter, R; Wiecek, M; Zagdanski, A; Zietara, K; Zychowski, P: Characterization and commissioning of the SST-1M camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. 845 , 350 - 354 (2017).
  • Heller, M; Schioppa, EJ; Porcelli, A; Pujadas, IT; Zietara, K; della Volpe, D; Montaruli, T; Cadoux, F; Favre, Y; Aguilar, JA; Christov, A; Prandini, E; Rajda, P; Rameez, M; Bilnik, W; Blocki, J; Bogacz, L; Borkowski, J; Bulik, T; Frankowski, A; Grudzinska, M; Idzkowski, B; Jamrozy, M; Janiak, M; Kasperek, J; Lalik, K; Lyard, E; Mach, E; Mandat, D; Marszalek, A; Miranda, LDM; Michalowski, J; Moderski, R; Neronov, A; Niemiec, J; Ostrowski, M; Pasko, P; Pech, M; Schovanek, P; Seweryn, K; Sliusar, V; Skowron, K; Stawarz, L; Stodulska, M; Stodulski, M; Walter, R; Wiecek, M; Zagdanski, A: An innovative silicon photomultiplier digitizing camera for gamma-ray astronomy, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (1) 47 (2017).
  • Krysa, J; Lee, K; Pausova, S; Kment, S; Hubicka, Z; Ctvrtlik, R; Schmuki, P: Self-organized transparent 1D TiO2 nanotubular photoelectrodes grown by anodization of sputtered and evaporated Ti layers: A comparative photoelectrochemical study, Chem. Eng. J. 308 , 745 - 753 (2017).
  • Han, H; Riboni, F; Karlicky, F; Kment, S; Goswami, A; Sudhagar, P; Yoo, J; Wang, L; Tomanec, O; Petr, M; Haderka, O; Terashima, C; Fujishima, A; Schmuki, P; Zboril, R: alpha-Fe2O3/TiO2 3D hierarchical nanostructures for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting, Nanoscale 9 (1) , 134 - 142 (2017).
  • Gnilitskyi, I; Rota, A; Ctvrtlik, R; Serro, AP; Gualtieri, E; Orazi, L: Multifunctional Properties of High-speed Highly Uniform Femtosecond Laser Patterning on Stainless steel, (2017).
  • Mandat, D; Pech, M: All Sky Camera for CTA Site characterization, 144 UNSP 01005 (2017).
  • Fujii, T; Malacari, M; Bellido, JA; Horvath, P; Hrabovsky, M; Jiang, JQ; Mandat, D; Matalon, A; Matthews, JN; Motloch, P; Palatka, M; Pech, M; Privitera, P; Schovanek, P; Thomas, SB; Travnicek, P: The FAST Project - A Next Generation UHECR Observatory, 136 UNSP 02015 (2017).
  • Abdalla, MS; Khalil, EM; Obada, ASF; Perina, J; Krepelka, J: Linear entropy and squeezing of the interaction between two quantum system described by su (1,1) and su(2) Lie group in presence of two external terms, AIP Adv. 7 (1) 15013 (2017).
