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Updated: 2 hours 49 min ago

Clustering of primordial black holes from quantum diffusion during inflation

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 09:48
When primordial inhomogeneities are produced with sufficiently large amplitude in the early universe, they may subsequently collapse into primordial black holes. I will explain why the effect of quantum diffusion during inflation needs to be taken into account in such a case, and how the statistics of cosmological fluctuations can be predicted within the formalism of stochastic inflation. Quantum diffusion leads to a peculiar type of non-Gaussianity that cannot be captured by perturbative parametrisations. This leaves specific imprints on the statistics of collapsed structures that I will discuss. In particular, I will present recent results on the clustering of primordial black holes, which conditions the rate at which they merge and emit gravitational waves.
Categories: News from FZU
