Bachelor study

The study at the Faculty of Science is structured. Every student is first accepted to a bachelor program. After graduating from bachelor program it is possible to continue one's study in subsequent master's programs. Some of the master's programs are direct continuation of related bachelor programs. It is however possible to select any master's program, in case of indirect continuation after passing an entry exam.

The Joint Laboratory of Optics co-guarantees the following bachelor study programs:

All bachelor programs are studied only in Czech language.

Program Aplied Physics offers broad math-phys background and educates graduates with individual and creative attitude to experimental work in various branches of experimental physics. Students are introduced to team work and cooperation with experts possesing physical or engineering background and is capable of work in interdisciplinary areas at the border of physics and engineering. During study, a big emphasis is exerted towards high professionality in mathmetics and physics, electronics and instrument physics, information technologies and programming, experiment control, and modern electronic measurement methods. The study offers general math-phys basis pro subsequent master's study of various physics programs, including Nanotechnology. The graduates find jobs in manufacturing, research and development in companies of teh region or the whole republic (mainly machinery, automotive, and optical industries). If the student decides to continue study at the master's or doctoral degrees he will gain excellent qualification both for scientific career and for employment in the application sphere.

Program Nanotechnology is composed of blocks of subjects from the area of physics, mathematics, and partly chemistry and nanotechnology. The program is completed with practical exercises focused on gaining experimental experience. The graduate is equipped with knowledge of fundamental courses of physics and posseses an overview about nanomaterials and their preparation, properties and applications. The graduate knows fundamnetal experimental techniques and methods for characterization of nanomaterials. The goal of the bachelor study id to prepare the student for continuation at the master's level with possible continuation also to other master's programs. The graduates find their jobs in industry, development, in basics and applied research, in testing laboratories, technology control, product certification, especially wherever nanotehcnologies are used. The graduate can directly continue in master's study of Nanotechnology or Applied Physics.

Program Instrument and Computer Physics is created by theoretical subjects from the sreas of general physics, mathematics, information technologies, electronics and instrument physics, followed by practical exercises focused on application of obatined knowledge in practice. By suitable choice of obligatory subjects the student can deepen his/her knowledge of programming including programming of laboratory instruments, machinery technologies, optical technologies, or to deepn one's physical background. The graduate is prepared both for individual and team wotk in teh areas of experimental techniques and cooperation with expers of both physical and engineering education, i.e. in interdisciplinary areas betwenn physics and engineering. The graduates will find jobs in companies around Europe or in applied reserach, typically at positions like service technician, metrologist, testing technician, CNC programmer or laboratory worker. The graduate is prepared for subsequent university study at the master's level.