The PhD study program Applied Physics is scientifically orientated. It aims at material physics, applied quantum and nonlinear optics, particle physics and astrophysics, nuclear spectroscopic methods, optical technologies and modelling and simulations. Material physics mainly involves physical methods of material preparation and analysis of physical properties of materials. Optical and mechanical properties of materials, surfaces of layered structures and their interfaces are studied. In the area of quantum and nonlinear optics, methods of generation and detection of non-classical states of light, applications of quantum correlations and entanglement in metrology, imaging and quantum information processing are addressed. Special attention is devoted to the process of parametric down-conversion and investigations of properties of weak and strong optical fields composed of photon pairs. In the area of particle physics and astrophysics, the PhD study aims at production and analysis of properties of heavy particles, especially top quark, in ATLAS experiment at CERN labs. Attention is devoted to the physics of elastic and diffraction protons with sub-detectors ALFA and AFP, at whose operation, simulation as well as development the involved departments participate. In the area of astrophysics, the PhD program consists of the study of cosmic radiation and building of experimental components and devices for astrophysical observatories in the framework of international collaborations. Data acquired by these detectors are analysed. Topics related to international collaborations Pierre Auger Observatory and Cherenkov Telescope Array are solved in cooperation with Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. In the area of nuclear spectroscopic methods, the Mossbauer spectroscopy is mainly studied with emphasis to detection of gamma radiation. Moreover, also special methods like spectroscopy of converted electrons of nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation are studied. Also in-situ investigations of material properties using selected nuclear spectroscopic methods are discussed. New measurement devices and software for data analysis are developed. Creation and stability of super-heavy elements including development of suitable detectors is studied in cooperation with United Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russia). In the area of optical technologies, various optical methods for contactless 3D topography, involving optical topography methods, interferometric methods and methods based on optical speckle, are developed. Attention is paid to modelling and simulations of physical processes in the above discussed area of physics. Among others, quantum processes in nonlinear media including modern photonic sources are modelled.
The graduate has mastered deep theoretical knowledge and experimental experience in the focus of his PhD thesis. He is able to work independently, to design physical experiments, to process and evaluate measured data, to write research reports and scientific publications and to use modern software for analysis and presentation of measured data. Moreover, he is able to solve complex practical physical tasks including the development of experimental setup, and to design, analyse and interpret theoretical models.
Master`s degree in Physics or a related branch, which guarantees the appropriate knowledge for completion of PhD degree in Applied Physics.
Successful admission procedure (in the form of an interview). The application can be submitted electronically.
Students pass compulsory subject English for doctoral students and a stay at external scientific workplace (at least one months). Every students opts for at least three obligatory subjects, at least two of which must be related to the topic of the thesis. The students has pass examinations of these subjects and knowledge of the subjects related to the topic of the thesis is also checked during final state examination and defense of the thesis. Further obligatory subjects are related to teh publishing activities of the student, his pedagogical practice, project activities and other suitable related activities.
Obligatory subjects are divided to four branches according to the focus of the thesis: