In the end of 2019, European patent [1] has been granted protecting a solution for non-contact detection of an absolute position of a moving object by making use of a speckle effect. According to the invention the designed system is operated in two phases, calibration and measuring. At first, during a calibration phase, speckle field generated by the object recorded by an image sensor and information about the object position are saved into the system’s memory for each position of the object in a selected range of the movement of rotary and translation component. Consequently, in the phase of measurement of position of rotation or translation of the object, in an unknown position the recorded speckle field is compared to images of speckle fields which were recorded during the calibration. In this way, one unique position of rotation or translation of the object under investigation is identified. The system can be used whenever non-contact detection of an absolute position of a moving object in the whole extent of its movement is required. This is particularly advantageous in industrial and scientific applications. The patent is validated in two contracting states: Germany and France.
The list of patents registered by the Joint Laboratory of Optics can be found here.
[1] HORVÁTH, P., ŠMÍD, P., HRABOVSKÝ, M., STANKE, L. Europen patent No. EP2775268B1, “A method of a non-contact detection of a moving object absolute position by making use of speckle effect and device for implementation of this method“. (granted on October 16, 2019, published in European Patent Bulletin 2019 / 42, Patent owner: Palacký University in Olomouc).